Friday, 6 November 2015


Quick & Easy Heatless Hairstyles for School: Fall 2015

            Health food systems can be a hair ideas video cuz I got some really been wanting to see you some more hair videos from me for a really long time so your wish is my command so I had to have finally actually take the time to deal with it and upload it for you guys I'm also really sorry that I haven't been uploading as frequently there was just a whole lot of things have been going on my life recently.   I'm just recovering from surgery that I have this week so I'm really just trying to figure out some things my life right now is that this want to happen again and Elsa really want to step up my youtube games so you guys to get better videos so if you guys do you have anybody request you should totally leave them down below and I'll fill in those three guys and I'm also really considering if you take you and I video forgot because I still haven't done one in the past two years so if you guys have any questions at all.
Just go ahead and leave them in the comments in Salem below and I'll go and answer them yet I really hope.   Easy to do so I'm just starting off with my hair parted over to one side and I'm just going to grab a chunk of hair and then loose libre de I'm talking like barely there so I'll does just a little bit more texture to it the hairstylist and then I just got the rest my hair and do it really messy you four strand braid it and was have said I'm just going to head off and pull it apart a whole lot cuz I really.
Phone sex herself probably easiest one out of all of them but it's still super pretty so I just turned off by taking all my hair and I brought it over to one side and then I set it off with a black classic and if you have a clear one I use that instead of black one just cuz it looks little bit nicer then I'm going to tie my hair off about an inch of the first plastic and then I'll make a hole in the Harris action and loot my hair through that and pull it apart a little bit so I want to do that one more time so just hang out some more hair underneath that.
What and then take me a little bit and pull it apart that looks bigger and there's a finish results and it finally for the last hairstyles that's actually kind of been like my go to Harris a lightly just cuz is perfect for those lazy days so I just re up by taking a section of my hair at the top my head twisting around pretty tightly and then I'm just starting to form a bun?   And I'm done just securing up with an elastic hair tie and then just pulling apart lately and then putting that into place with some buds him.   So I really.

            Amsterdam and yeah I really hope you guys have an amazing day and I'll just see you had money for you by.


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