3 CUTE & EASY No Heat Hairstyles for Fall
guys its Megan drinks welcome back to another episode of beauty breaks your own
cover style and today I'm going to be showing you the really don't want to wash
your hair do you want to sleep in longer in the morning you'll be able to know
that your hair does look so great ty. You got a couple minutes to spare time
the show me what to do.
first hairstyle is kind of a group twisty brave thing fake braids if you don't
know how to braid I think is going to be perfect for you he's got a mirror you
can check yourself lol. They are splitting it into two and
twisting the back one in front of the front one movies at once and then we're
going to start by taking every time the piece of hair hits the front of your
face you're going to take a hair from New York crown and twist that in.
You got another P Twista. Keep going down your hair now we
have it all twisted here we're actually just going to twist it around itself
and put it into a little bun. You can secure at bobbys an indoor hair
tie I'm she's in the haircut and then somebody man and that's the first
Harry Styles on it's kind of like this rope twist braid into a nice little buns
super easy and perfect for school there or birthdays or any day that you were
like you know what I want to do sleep you know what I don't want to move keeps
dialing is not hair tutorial was made popular by my friend in grade or
missglamorazzi and I seen that Oliver Pinterest and it involves using.
Hello get your headband of choice like sparkly and I think of someone ever go
to start by putting it on our hair I like having my hair in the middle part
when I do this but whatever suits your fancy now what you're going to do is
just going to take your hair and twist it around. And slip it into the
strength so they pull it out we're going to be going again.
Taking another section. Pulling it down.
Map for the
second hairstyle it's super easy and you can switch it up with different
headbands and people won't even though you're doing the same hairstyle they can
look at the Pensacola headband or crown if you're a princess.
Android the
final on we are going back to basics of these super classic very easy french
braid which is remind me of being like eight years old and backing up on the
French braid my hair and she really didn't know how to do it just tore my hair
out though probably. Start by taking a section of my hair. And
separating it into three and then I'm just going to start by crossing this
one over the middle crossing the back one over the middle crossing this again
so we just have at least one full braids done and then I'm good are
incorporating hair from the take a piece from the side closest to my face and
bring that into this piece of the previously had crossed out over and then
taking the outer side we're going.
And then braid
again so only taking additional pieces of hair from the most inner and most
other places of your hair so you can take from here where is that over.
From the side take a piece and you can take however like many pieces you want
like big section small section that's just going to change the look of your
break I'm just going to keep raining all the way down your hair and to leave
incorporated all of the pieces into your brain and then just breathe normally
all the way down.
And then I'm
going to mess up I was great and really pull it apart and lose it and not
always makes braids look way cooler even if there's this is just the basic.
That's very simple and very easy if you loosen it up and mess it up it
automatically looks.
More interested
in details for some reason and if you've seen one of our racing videos you know
that a toothbrush eventually and Greg what is yours up and mess it up a little
See more episodes of Duty bring me.
so classy household items can be beauty products its mind blowing people and
then go to the right if you want to be there so beautiful waterfall braid.
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